NDIS Plan Managed Intake Form

What you need to do:

  1. Complete this intake form or ask your Support Co-Ordinator to assist you to do this.

  2. I will talk with you or your Support Co-Ordinator to clarify any details.

  3. I will send you and your Plan Manager a quote for approval for an initial consultation.

  4. We will have one initial in home consultation to ensure that you are comfortable with the services being provided before we provide a quote for ongoing support. In this consultation we will discuss and identify your needs, complete a form to identify how the clutter in your home affects you and establish your goals.

  5. Invoices will be sent to your Plan Manager for payment.

Thank you for taking the time to complete your intake form.

It contains questions that will enable me to assist you in the best way possible for your unique circumstances and allow me to meet you where you are at. I ask that you please answer everything you can and be open and honest in your responses.

I look forward to supporting you on your journey to decluttered and organised spaces!